Sunday, October 18, 2009

love chapters

“Some love stories aren’t epic novels – some are short stories. But that doesn’t make them any less filled with love.” (Carrie Bradshaw in Sex And The City)

Carrie’s wise musing popped to mind when I watched (500) Days of Summer today. Although (500) Days had traces of the usual Hollywood traits, the quirky movie was still a breath of fresh air without saccharine sweet endings.

Sure, love does happen. But shit happens as well. And when breakups spin like a typhoon to wreck our lives, what then happens next?

Does the catastrophe become an opportunity for healing? Do we dare to face the flaws that a crisis excavates out? Flaws that belong to us and our partner?

Maybe sometimes breakups are as revealing as a health report. Some folks look healthy on the outside, but a health report may disclose that they do have high cholesterol levels. And perhaps breakups expose the pressure points and fears that we try to bury hidden in our hearts. This ain’t necessary a bad thing is it? If we take it in good light, it may even help us to give and receive love better in our next relationship.

Partings can make some people feel that their world has crashed indefinitely. But as the protagonist in (500) Days found out ... although a love chapter may end, the book can continue on.


1 comment:

  1. Caught "Julie and Julia" over the weekend, which I've been waitin for to arrive in S'pore. Worth a catch, esp if you love cooking or a foodie :) I do think it's Julia Child's story, which is shot in parallel to Julie Powell's, that "Saved" the movie though... Julia Child story is based on her autobiography "My Life in France". JC would be very happy that MS played her :)
